Debunking 3 Myths About Closing An In-Ground Pool For Winter

For pool owners living in certain climates, the cooler months of fall signal that it's time to start closing pools in preparation of the frigid winter months. If you're a new pool owner who has never had to winterize a pool before, you might be feeling understandably lost. After all, there's a fair amount of misinformation out there about how to close a pool. By having some insight into the most common pool-closing myths, however, you can avoid a lot of common mistakes and get your pool winterized properly and safely.

Myth #1: It Doesn't Matter if the Chemical Levels Are Off

You might wonder why you need to balance the chemical levels in a pool if you're closing it. While it may seem like closing your pool without the exact right chemical balance shouldn't be a big deal, the truth is that this can make re-opening your pool next summer a lot more challenging and costly. You might even end up with damaged pool equipment come next spring if you fail to balance your alkalinity, hardness, chlorine, and pH before closing — so it needs to be taken seriously. The same goes for vacuuming and brushing your pool floor and walls before winterizing.

Myth #2: You Don't Need to Drain Water From Pool Equipment

One of the worst mistakes you can make over the winter is leaving water or condensation inside your pool's water lines, pump, or other equipment when you close it for the winter. That's because this water will inevitably freeze when temperatures drop, resulting in expansion that could crack or otherwise damage your pool equipment. Always be sure to clear out pipes and lines completely, winterizing them fully to prevent precipitation from entering and freezing.

Myth #3: Water Level Doesn't Matter

Actually, the water level you leave in your pool over the winter does matter. The ideal water level will depend on the type of pool you have and your climate. For example, above-ground pools should generally be left with water reaching an inch below the mouth of the skimmer, whereas in-ground pools can be drained a bit further.

Now that you know the truth behind these myths, you have the information you need to properly close and winterize your pool this year. From there, you can avoid damage and have an easier time re-opening your pool next year.

For more information on winter pool closing or other pool maintenance, view websites such as
