Why Should You Get A Fiberglass Pool?

If you're planning on installing a swimming pool at your home, you should consider getting a fiberglass inground pool. It will last longer than other types of pools, and you won't need to do much to maintain it. There are also many ways you can customize them to fit your needs, your yard, etc.

Many Shapes to Choose From

You can get a fiberglass pool in virtually any shape and size you choose. Whether you want a vast rectangle shape or a small oval, it can be done. Some people mistakenly believe that fiberglass pools have less shape variability than other pools, but you can get them in any shape and size to ensure they look great on your property.


Many professional pool companies consider fiberglass pools to be the most durable option. Vinyl pools tear, and concrete ones crack or chip, but fiberglass pools remain intact without issue for many years. Fiberglass is the best material if you want your new pool to stand the test of time.

Faster Installation

Fiberglass pools typically take less time to install than concrete ones. If you want to have your pool installed by a specific date—like in time for summer—or just don't want to wait around too long, it's a good option to consider. 

Little Maintenace Needed

When you choose to get a swimming pool made from vinyl or concrete, you'll have to deal with issues like tears, chips, and cracks that require maintenance. Fiberglass pools don't have this problem, and you likely won't have to do any repairs for the entire life of the pool, which will save you money in the long run.

Customize Features

Before the pool company installs your fiberglass pool, let them know if you want any special features. Some people add a hot tub, waterfalls, fountains, and more basic features like stairs or beach entry. Anything you can do with a concrete pool can be done with fiberglass, except it will be more durable and last longer. 


Some people worry that if they got a fiberglass pool, it wouldn't look as nice as if they used concrete instead. However, there are many ways you can add design elements to your fiberglass pool that will make it look as good, or better than other materials. You can choose from different colors and patterns and even add things like tiles to fully customize the design of your pool so it looks as you hoped.

Contact a company like Pools123 to learn more about fiberglass pools.
