4 Summer Pool Maintenance Tasks and Repairs to Keep Your Pool Open and the Water Clear All Summer

The work of summer pool maintenance starts in the spring, before opening, and continues through the fall. It is important to maintain your pool and repair any problems to ensure your pool remains open and the water stays clear all summer. The following pool maintenance tasks and repairs will help you keep your pool open and the water clear all year:

1. Start the Summer with the Right Spring Maintenance and Repairs Before Opening

It is important to start your pool maintenance with the right spring care and repairs. Partially drain your pool, backwash the filter, and then, fill it before treating the water. This will ensure that there is a volume of fresh water and make it easier to maintain the water throughout the summer. In addition, inspect all the equipment for any problems during the spring maintenance.

2. Repair and Update Equipment to Ensure the Pump and Filter Are Cleaning Water Efficiently

Your pool equipment is going to need maintenance and repairs throughout the summer season. Start the maintenance by doing any updates to the equipment during the spring when you are preparing to open the pool. Routinely inspect pool equipment throughout the summer to ensure there are not any leaks or other problems that need urgent repairs.

3. Deal with the Occasional Leaks and Problems with Pool Surfaces That Need Underwater Repairs

Over the summer months, leaks can develop in your pool due to damage to the liner or other pool surface materials. The leak may also be due to problems with the plumbing of your pool. To prevent problems, you will want to have underwater repairs done to stop the leaks and keep your pool open through the summer.

4. Routine Treatments and Shocking the Pool Water to Ensure It Stays Clean and Clear All Summer

During the summer months, it is important to keep up with water quality. You want to regularly check the chlorine and PH levels to ensure the water quality is where it should be. In addition, you will want to shock the water several times throughout the summer. Shock the pool after parties and heatwaves to ensure the water stays clean.

These are some of the pool maintenance and repairs that will help to keep your pool open all year. If you need help with pool maintenance and repairs, contact a pool service like After Hours Pool Service to ensure you do not have any problems this summer. 
